2025 Secondary 3 Subject Combinations
Sec 3 Subject Combination Admin Briefing (14 October 2024)
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Students were briefed on this morning on the steps to access the online system and some ECG pointers based on the available subject combinations. The briefing slides are accessible below:
We will also like to share with you the details of the Upper Secondary subject requirements resources that we have briefed the students this week (12-18 Oct).
Please click here to access the resources
We encourage parents to use these resources to have conversations with your daughter/ward to understand and discuss her aspirations, interest and passion with her current learning strengths and areas for growth in mind.
Thank you
Sec 2 ECG & Subject Combinations Talk (03 May 2024)
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Thank you for joining us for the talk on 03 May 2024. We value your time and support.
Please refer to the attached slides for more information.
We would appreciate if you can take some time to share your feedback
for the talk by completing the form below:
2025 Secondary 3 Subject Combinations (29 April 2024)
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Your daughter/ward has been briefed on the 2025 Secondary 3 Subject Options and Combinations today (29 April 2024). A hard copy of the Subject Combination Information booklet has also been given to your daughter/ward.
We look forward to having both you and your daughter/ward join us at the Sec 2 ECG & Subject Combinations Talk this Friday (3 May 2024, 7pm to 8.30pm). We will be able to share more details and address any questions you may have during the session.
Please find below the materials for your reference: