Concert Band
With a strength of over 70 musicians, PL Concert Band was first started in 1978, being one of the earliest music groups established in the school. The band first started as a military brass band and was previously combined with the primary school but is now an almost 60-member strong concert band. The PL Concert Band has had many opportunities over the years to perform both locally and internationally.
PL Concert Band has been blessed with good conductors from the beginning. In 1997, Mr Tan Beng Wee joined PL Concert Band and equipped the main band with musical techniques and skills. In 2004, Ms Ten Rong Rong was in charge of the Training Band, providing the students with a strong musical foundation.
PL Concert Band has also achieved quite a number of awards. In 2007, it attained a Gold award in the 21st Century International Band Competition held in Malaysia. The band also received the Silver Award in the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Central Judging for the years from 2005 to 2011. From 2015 to 2023, the PL Concert Band attained a Certificate of Accomplishment in the biennial SYF Arts Presentation. The band has also travelled to countries such as Thailand and Malaysia to participate in competitions and school bands exchanges.
SYF Arts Presentation 2023 - Certificate of Accomplishment
SYF Arts Presentation 2021 - Certificate of Accomplishment (2 teams)
Ms Liow Xiao Chun (i/c)
Mrs Clarabelle Yeo (i/c)
Mdm Durka
Ms Kong Pei Shan
Mr Tan Beng Wee
Ms Tien Rong Rong
Training Schedule
Tuesday & Friday, 3.30 - 6.00 pm