English Drama
The English Drama Club consists of vibrant, quirky and passionate people who love to express themselves. Training sessions are always filled with creative energy as the actors develop their voice and stage presence for performance. It is also a CCA that helps build strength of character and resilience as the actors take on many roles and interact with each other through various theatre techniques and processes.
“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.” - Oscar Wilde
To be a fun and vivacious club producing women with fine oratorical skills and a passion for performing with passion.
To nurture performers who are confident, expressive and enthusiastic in their craft with skills such as empathy and teamwork.
SYF Arts Presentation 2023 - Certificate of Accomplishment
National Schools Literature Festival 2023
Book trailer - Gold
Choral Speaking - Commendation
Mdm Nur Zahira (i/c)
Mrs Ramesh Christina
Ms Sharmeen Nina Chabra
Training Schedule
Monday & Tuesday, 3.30 - 6.00 pm