Harp Ensemble
In 2024, the PL Harp Ensemble has enjoyed a remarkable year of dedication and musical excellence. Our talented harpists delivered enchanting performances at prestigious events such as March On! at the Esplanade, the National Day Istana Open House and the Musical Montage. These experiences not only showcased their musical artistry but also underscored the ensemble’s commitment to teamwork and perseverance. Fuelled by passion, our members support one another tirelessly, fostering a nurturing and inspiring environment. With regular feedback sessions and the active guidance of student leaders, PLHE continues to elevate its standards and reach new heights. We take immense pride in our journey and the harmonious bond that unites us.
To be an outstanding harp ensemble, producing woman of fine character
with a passion for music and learning
To nurture every member into an accomplished harpist with a passion for
music and learning
SYF Arts Presentation 2023 - Certificate of Distinction
Events and Activities for the Year
PL Open House
Farewell for graduating members
Musical Montage
Lunchtime Performance @PL Canteen
March On! @Esplanade
National Day Istana Open House
Mrs Faezah Jnad
Ms Ung Zi Qing
Ms Magdalene Wong
Training Schedule
Tuesday & Friday, 3.00 – 5.30 pm